High School Recruitment Application

    Personal Details

    What Position Are You Applying For?
    Undergraduate - Commencing Uni in 2026
    Undergraduate - Continuing Uni in 2026
    Graduate - Recently Graduated or due to Graduate shortly
    I confirm I meet the Eligibility Criteria outlined for this role
    Yes I confirm

    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address

    Contact Phone

    Street Address

    Attachments Required

    High School Students (Please provide a copy of your Year 11 & 12 report card)

    University Students (Please provide a copy of your latest Academic Transcript to date)

    Your CV

    About You

    What has influenced you to pursue a career in Accounting?

    Why are you interested in working for PVW Partners?

    What qualities do you believe you can bring to the PVW Partners family?

    Describe an achievement of which you are especially proud of. What is it about this achievement that makes it special to you?

    Is there any further information that you believe may support your application?


    I confirm I meet the eligibility as outlined for this role and understand that any offer of employment made by PVW Partners is based on the accuracy of the statements contained in this application, which are, to the best of my knowledge, an accurate statement of facts. I further understand that any false statement may be sufficient reason for dismissal.

    Please write your full name to acknowledge your understanding.

    If you don’t receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your application within 48 hours, please contact info@pvwpartners.com

    Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation