Disaster Assistance Update
With the recent disaster in North and West Queensland continuing to impact on thousands of people across the region, we thought it might be beneficial if we touched base with a list of Federal and State Government assistance initiatives which are now open.
We understand that this is an extremely difficult time for those of you who have been impacted. If there is anything at all that the PVW Partners family can assist you with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
With warmest regards,
Greg, Carl, Andrew + the PVW Partners Team
A. Disaster Assistance (Essential Working Capital) Loans
Small businesses which have suffered a significant loss of income as a result of an eligible disaster (such as through loss of electricity, water or road access for extended periods) may be able to access low interest loans of up to $100,000. Disaster Assistance Loans- Small Business
B. Disaster Assistance Loans - Small business
Small businesses whose assets have been significantly damaged as a direct result of an eligible disaster may be able to access low interest loans of up to $250,000. Disaster Assistance Loans- Small Business #2
C. Individual Disaster Stricken Property Declaration
Where a primary producer is not in an area activated for NDRRA assistance but has suffered significant damage from a natural disaster they are able to apply for an Individual Disaster Stricken Property declaration. Freight subsidies can be applied for under an IDSP declaration for the movement of emergency fodder, equipment, stock or restocking. Disaster Stricken Property Declaration
D. Banking Institutions
ANZ, CBA, Westpac, NAB etc have announced financial assistance packages for flood affected customers, including suspending repayments and interest rate relief. Please get in touch with your financial institution for further information.
The ATO will defer tax obligations for those in disaster impacted areas. ATO Tax Deferral
A. Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
The AGDRP is a one-off, non-means tested payment of $1,000 for eligible adults and $400 for eligible children who have been adversely affected by the floods. Disaster Recovery Payment
B. Australian Government Disaster Recovery Allowance
This is a short-term income support payment to assist individuals who can demonstrate their income has been affected as a direct result of the floods. Disaster Recovery Allowance
C. Emergency Hardship Assistance and Support Services
You may be eligible for this assistance if you are experiencing hardship as a direct result of this disaster and you need help to meet your immediate essential needs for food, clothing, medicines or temporary accommodation.
Or if you would like to access support services to help your family recover from the disaster – services include psychological support, financial support, health support, and other services such as cultural support, family/caring responsibility and animal welfare.
D. Essential Services Hardship Assistance Grant
If you have lost connection to one or more essential services (electricity, gas, water, sewerage) to your home for more than five days, you may be eligible for this assistance.
E. Essential Household Contents Grant
You may be eligible for assistance if your home and/or essential contents (such as beds and whitegoods) have been damaged as a direct result of the disaster and the damage is not insured or under-insured for this type of disaster (or you are unsure of the insurance status) replacement of essential contents
F. Structural Assistance Grant
You may be eligible for this grant is you require Assistance with home repairs, where you are an owner-occupier and meet income conditions.
G. Essential Services Safety and Reconnection Grant
If you require repairs or safety inspections for reconnection of services, where you are an owner-occupier and meet income conditions you may be eligible.