Small Business Has a Significant Story to Share
Author: Casie Scott
When I took on the role of Communications and Business Development Manager at PVW Partners, my focus quickly turned to how on earth I was going to make accounting and advisory digestible to the average punter, let alone “sexy” and something our target audience wanted to learn more about.
As a long-time radio and television journalist, turned ministerial adviser and crisis communications manager, the x-factor and public interest angle has generally clearly stood out and is not something I’ve had to ponder too deeply throughout my 20-year career.
Interestingly, within weeks at PVW Partners, I realised the firm had a significant story to share. It’s one which has been burning away under the surface, buried under years of quiet achievement.
From its centenary celebration of a 100-year commitment to loyalty and leadership in North Queensland, to its purpose of Regional Australians Growing Regional Australia, there is just so much good news to come out of the firm. The absolute devotion to community and supporting regional Queenslanders through its own business and employment growth, sponsorships and partnerships is phenomenal.
The missing piece of the puzzle, until recently, has been the firm’s “business as usual” approach. Like many small business operators across Australia, the firm was so busy getting on with its day to day operations it was missing the opportunities to capitalise on the huge potential within its own very talented walls.
Whether it’s an accountancy firm or a bricklaying business, the possibilities to promote good work are there and when targeted correctly, a willing audience is more than happy to engage and support the fruits of small business labour.
It can be easy to be put off by the tall poppy syndrome and as we all know, it’s almost un-Australian to honk your own horn too loudly. But it’s important to remember that people don’t know what they don’t know. If you don’t tell them about your business and inform people about its expertise and community and professional footprint, who will?
From social media, paid media, free media, testimonials, direct marketing or networking- there really are many cost-effective ways to engage and get your story out there.
Exactly what that looks like could include:
- The story behind your business- where did you come from, how did your business get to where it is today, what are the lessons others could learn from your mistakes?
- Provide regular commentary on industry news and trends to cement your place as an expert in the field.
- Write a series of “how-to” articles or industry update blogs.
- When you’re out supporting community events or locals, don’t be afraid to share through your networks.
- When you’ve had a major win or success, let people know about it.
It’s also critically important to think about who you want to target and what your ideal client looks like, so you can tailor your message to suit.
If starting out seems too daunting or too out of left field, it is well worth the investment to hire a specialist to get the ball rolling. As well as starting your small business on its journey of sharing, an expert communicator will be able to help to re-set your outlook and give you the basics, so you can better understand how to sell yourself in the future.
Five months into my role at PVW Partners, and the shift in brand awareness has been phenomenal. The firm has always been a market leader with the skills to solve problems that others in regional Queensland can’t. The difference now is that plenty of people know about and acknowledge it.
At the core of every small business is its relationship with its customers and community. By investing in that relationship and sharing your story along the way, you’re setting yourself up for a much better chance of success in the future.